Bristol Metropolitan Academy Rated Good by Ofsted

Following a recent Ofsted inspection, Bristol Metropolitan Academy (BMA) has been deemed overall Good and Outstanding in Leadership and Management.

Inspectors visited the academy in March 2022 and confirmed that the Quality of Education, Behaviour and Attitudes and Personal Development are all Good, meaning BMA has retained its Good overall rating.  Leadership and Management of the Academy was adjudged to be Outstanding.

Principal Cameron Shaw said: “We are of course delighted that Ofsted recognise that on a daily basis the quality of education provided to the students in our Academy is of a high standard.  We will use the feedback received from the inspection team to continue to develop our practice and ensure we are doing the very best for our local community.”

The Ofsted report notes: “Pupils are very proud of their school. They have many opportunities to learn about the wider world. The school’s curriculum inspires pupils’ ambitions for their future lives. Leaders provide tailored careers guidance which helps pupils to decide their next steps.

“Pupils understand what they need to achieve to access further education, apprenticeships and work. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), receive a good quality of education at Bristol Metropolitan Academy. They learn a range of subjects successfully and this prepares them for life beyond school.

“Pupils have positive attitudes towards learning foreign languages such as French, Spanish and German. They have high aspirations and work hard to achieve well. There is a harmonious learning environment across the school. Pupils behave well both in lessons and around the school. Pupils state that if they have a concern, they can go to a range of adults for help. They feel safe and cared for by staff.”

The report adds: “Leadership of the school is outstanding. Both trust and school leaders are passionate about the role of the curriculum in transforming the lives of pupils. This vision is shared by staff. Leaders have constructed an ambitious curriculum that helps pupils to learn well. They are tenacious in driving improvements in the design of the curriculum and its implementation.

“Leaders are relentless in pursuing the best quality provision for pupils. They provide highly effective professional development for teachers which leads to continuous improvement. Leaders have ensured that pupils develop strong knowledge of a range of subjects.

“Leaders have embedded a whole-school approach to reading for enjoyment. The programme enables all pupils to get to know a range of worthwhile texts. Leaders are rightly focused on ensuring that pupils learn to read well so that they can learn the wider curriculum.”

The Ofsted report also states: “Leaders have established a highly inclusive curriculum. Staff use information about pupils to provide bespoke support enabling pupils to learn with confidence and success. They use assessment information well to check what pupils know and adapt the curriculum accordingly.

“Staff provide strong academic and emotional support for vulnerable pupils. Leaders have designed a very effective careers curriculum.

“Pupils behave well. There is rarely any disruptive behaviour in lessons. Pupils and staff have positive relationships. The vast majority of pupils are respectful and empathetic towards each other.

“Leaders have planned the personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) curriculum to include what pupils should learn. Pupils learn about different groups in society who might experience discrimination. They are taught about the importance of being able to develop and maintain positive and healthy relationships in their own lives.

“Governance is extremely robust. Directors of the trust and the academy council pose rigorous challenge and support in equal measure. They gather a breadth of information about the school to pose questions of school leaders. Leaders prioritise the well-being of staff, for example they make sure that early career teachers are well supported. Staff agree that leaders help them to manage their workload very effectively.”

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