Hanham Woods budding athletic star

Year nine pupil Kezia Tarzey, from Hanham Woods Academy, excelled recently at the Welsh Athletics Junior Open. Kezia claimed bronze medals in the 60 metres Sprint & 60 metres Hurdles, no mean feat when athletes from across the South West were taking part.

In fact, Kezia is, 2nd in South West for 75m Hurdles, 3rd in South West for 60m Hurdles, 5th in South West for 60m Sprint, and 11th in the UK for hurdles!

During this competition Kezia achieved two personal bests, as well as qualifying for the England Athletics National Championships in Sheffield on February 11 and 12th.

Kezia who competes for the Bristol & West Academy, first became involved in athletics at the age of 11, around three years ago. Kezia started while in primary school and took part in lots of different competitions, competing in various disciplines, but now specialises in sprint and hurdles.

Kezia’s mum & dad said, “Kezia thoroughly enjoys her athletics and is so committed to being her best. We are so very proud of Kezia and her achievements.”

Kezia said: “I would like to thank my family and my coaches for their support, without them I wouldn’t be where I am today.”

Steve O’Callaghan, Principal at Hanham Woods Academy, said: “We are exceptionally proud and honoured to have Kezia as one of our students and we are excited to be part of her journey in athletics.”


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