Ofsted Inspectors praise ‘Strong’ teaching and ‘Ambitious’ curriculum at ‘Inclusive’ City Academy

‘Vibrant and inclusive’ City Academy Bristol is a school where students ‘make good progress’ thanks to a ‘broad and ambitious curriculum’, according to Ofsted inspectors.

A team from the education watchdog spent two days assessing the school, during which time they met leaders from the school and its parent trust, spoke with parents and pupils, and carried out a deep dive into a number of subject areas.

As per Ofsted’s new inspection framework, the visit did resulted in a confirmation of the school’s strong standards, rather than a formal re-grading – however, inspectors heaped praise upon the school and its leadership, highlighting its ‘strong’ teaching, the good progress made by students with special educational needs, and the high standards of student behaviour.

In her report, lead inspector Kelly Olive said: “Pupils enjoy attending this vibrant and inclusive school. They are proud to be part of a community where cultural diversity is celebrated.

“The school has high expectations of the pupils that attend City Academy. Typically, pupils live up to these by working hard, behaving and achieving well.”

On teaching and curriculum, the report said: “Teachers have strong subject knowledge. They deliver the content of the shared curriculum well.

“Teachers provide clear explanations and model useful examples for pupils. In relevant subjects, pupils engage in thoughtful debate about topical issues.”

On careers education and student progress, Ofsted said: “Pupils experience a well-considered careers programme from when they join in Year 7.

“They are supported in considering their plans for the future. For example, the school hosts visitors from colleges, universities and local employers.”

On pupil behaviour, the report said: “Pupils learn in a safe and tolerant environment. The school is a calm and orderly place.

“Pupils make use of opportunities to be active at social times. Many enjoy the communal experience of eating a hot meal together.

“Most pupils are consistently polite and respectful to each other and to adults. In lessons, lowlevel disruption can occur, but this is managed quickly and effectively by staff. Poor behaviour is not allowed to persist.”

On extracurricular activities, the report said: “Many pupils volunteer to be a member of the school council. Pupils with SEND are well represented and have a strong voice in the school.

“Governors consider pupils’ views when making decisions about the school. Pupils can access a range of extra-curricular activities such as sports clubs, drama and chess club.”

And on SEND provision, the report said: “The school has a high proportion of pupils with SEND. Systems for the identification of pupils’ needs are clear and work effectively.

“Staff are provided with helpful information as well as strategies that will support pupils in the classroom. Consequently, pupils with SEND have their needs met well.”

Ofsted also highlighted City Academy’s ‘effective’ safeguarding, the ‘warm, mutually respectful relationships between staff and pupils’, and the ‘valued’ staff development opportunities alongside colleagues from sister schools within the Cabot Learning Federation (CLF).

Leaders from within City Academy and the CLF welcomed Ofsted’s findings.

Ben Tucker, Principal at City Academy, said:

“I am delighted that Ofsted has confirmed that we remain a ‘Good’ school in all areas. I am extremely grateful for all the hard work of our staff and students, and the continued support that we receive from our families and community.”

Steve Taylor, Chief Executive Officer of the Cabot Learning Federation, said:

“I am delighted that inspectors recognised the joyful environment for children at City Academy.

“The team works tirelessly and with great passion to ensure that anyone in our community can be assured of a strong experience – it is a highly successful example of how inclusive provision and high standards can and should be delivered in our city. I am delighted for the community and for the team at the school.”

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