Superheroes unite at Snowdon Village to support undiagnosed children

Staff and pupils at Snowdon Village, part of the Cabot Learning Federation’s central alternative provision, had a fun day dressing up as superheroes in recognition of children who are suffering every day with a syndrome without a name (SWAN).

A charity awareness day was held for SWAN UK, celebrating Undiagnosed Children’s Day, which takes part every last Friday in April. SWAN UK is the only dedicated support network in the UK for families affected by a syndrome without a name – genetic conditions so rare they often remain undiagnosed.

The aim of SWAN UK is that every family gets the support that they need, regardless of whether or not they have a diagnosis.

Enthusiastic pupils from Years one to 11 took part in the charity fundraising day which has raised over £400 in donations so far. All proceeds raised will go to SWAN UK’s invaluable efforts to support their incredible work, providing much-needed assistance to affected families across the UK.

Many of the children Snowdon Village support are suffering with needs that have yet to be formally diagnosed. Staff used this day to really celebrate the children they work with and raise awareness about their differing and complex needs.

Alex Davies, Principal of Snowdon Village, said: “I was thrilled with how many staff and students took part in this important day. A highlight for me was talking to the children about how much they enjoyed learning Makaton and exploring what it would be like to lose a skill many of us take for granted such as talking or walking.

“Many of the children we work with are suffering from undiagnosed needs and it was important to us we marked this day and celebrated the needs of the children we work with and other superheroes across the UK who may be suffering with an undiagnosed need. They might not be wearing capes every day, but they are all superheroes in our eyes.”

Through this heartwarming initiative, Snowdon Village reaffirmed its commitment to fostering inclusivity, empathy, and support for all its students and their families.