While we cannot know the future, the purpose of the CLF Strategy 2030 is to ensure the CLF is prepared and focused on meeting the challenges of this decade, while also providing hope and opportunities to our learners, our people and our communities; it is against the ideals of this narrative that work of the trust is monitored and its future success judged.

Steve Taylor, CEO - Cabot Learning Federation

Our Core Strategy

Equity Through Education is underpinned by three core strategies central to all trust activity. They guide decisions around development and improvement, while adhering to our commitment to create equity of opportunity, promote inclusion, remove disadvantage and reject discrimination.

Our Sub-Strategies

Designed as enablers of our core pillars, these seven sub-strategies transcend teams and departments to resonate throughout the CLF. Driven by senior members of staff and reviewed annually, these ambitions will contribute to the sustainable development of the trust.

Operating at Scale
  • Unwavering commitment to advancing equal opportunities for all, eliminating discrimination, and upholding CLF values of equity, equality, diversity and inclusion.
  • Ensure the Trust remains a place where everyone feels they belong and supported to succeed.
  • Support the drive to diversify the CLF workforce to reflect the diverse communities we serve.
  • Grow EDI Networks which create safe spaces for children and adults to be themselves.
  • Provide resources to help staff and students positively and proactively manage their wellbeing.
  • Ensure support is signposted and easily available if people are struggling.
  • Further evolve a wellbeing curriculum which aligns with our goal of self-agency.
  • Play an active role in communities which supports equitable access to mental health services for all – particularly those experiencing disadvantage.
  • Enable all staff and pupils to safely and effectively work and learn anytime, anywhere.
  • Be future-seekers, equipped and ready to adopt technology which has ‘crossed the chasm’.
  • Give people the right tools to support their work, and train them to excel.
  • Embrace technology which supports partnership ambitions within the community and across clusters and wider education system.
  • Be a listening organisation which puts its people at the heart of strategic choices.
  • Nurture cohesive and coherent systems which gather and understand stakeholder views.
  • Maintain strong understanding of our trust and its impact through the eyes of our communities.
  • Be a model for CLF students, staff, families and communities to use to enact societal change
  • Utilise Trust experience to develop leadership to meet the challenges of this decade.
  • Raise standards by investing in capacity and expertise across the Trust.
  • Nurture a leadership culture which sustains a high-performing Trust which improves as it grows.
  • Empower leaders to take ownership of improvements which raise standards
  • Deploy the right resource at the right time to deliver maximum impact.
  • Establish efficient and effective systems which add value and support core priorities.
  • Build a scalable model which enables both standardised and empowered future growth.
  • Develop a new financial operating model, shaped by the above outputs, which delivers successful outcomes.
  • A shared commitment to reducing environmental impact which will see all schools hold Eco Schools Green Flag status.
  • An annual environmental conference where green champions can showcase positive action in schools.
  • Deep pupil engagement in environmental matters, supported by the CLF curriculum.
  • Provide data to help schools understand and reduce their impact through behaviour and technical change.

Strategy In Action


National Lottery Award for JCA student and much more in this month’s Voices Newspapers

Academies across the Cabot Learning Federation have featured in articles across this month’s editions of the Voices Newspapers, see below for more details, including a front page!

Student receives National Lottery Award

Mariama Sanneh, a Year 11 student from John Cabot Academy, has won the National Lottery Young Hero award. This award recognises inspirational individuals, projects and young people who do extraordinary things for their community. Mariama is a junior trustee for Integrate UK, a youth led charity that empowers young people to take an active and positive role in transforming the society they live in. An important part of her role as junior trustee is to lead youth steering groups and reports back to the board. In addition, Mariama has contributed to script writing, performing in the youth friendly media resources, whilst also delivering peer education workshops to students at John Cabot and elsewhere. These have included grooming for radicalisation, FGM and gang and drug culture.

Mariama has devoted vast amounts of time and energy in her own time to being a positive voice for young people and in turn has made a huge contribution to our academy in both peer education and facilitating our Equalities Council. In addition to all of this, Mariama has since been recognised further in Bristol and has won the Bristol Young Heroes Arts and Culture award for all the creative music and media projects she has been involved in.

We are very proud of all the work that Mariama has done to date, and we are excited to see what she does next. Congratulations from all the students and staff at JCA!

This is how the Kingswood Voice reported it.

Frome Vale pupils make powerful film on discrimination.

Frome Vale Academy pupils have made a powerful film about racial and sexual discrimination, after their application to Unique Voice and Crimestoppers’s crime prevention film-making project was selected.

The academy chose Discrimination as a focus of the film, as it aligned with the launch of the academy’s Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion group and other work related to Frome Vale Citizenship.

Pupils were then invited to expand on the proposals through workshops, and chose to focus specifically on race and sexuality, as these were the topics they felt were most pertinent to them.

The Academy worked with Unique Voice over a number of days, writing the words and drawing the animations, which were then filmed. The film was showcased at the end of last term with Bristol’s Deputy Mayor, Asher Craig, as a special guest.

The Principal of Frome Vale Academy, Jan Saunders, said: ‘I am immensely proud of this piece of work in conjunction with Unique Voice. It epitomizes all the work we do at Frome Vale around citizenship and reflects our pupil’s understanding of these important issues.”

To watch the video please click on this link https://vimeo.com/587816233/b5bc60e7a9

This is how the Fishponds Voice reported it.

PCSOs deliver safety talk to pupils

Internet safety is an important part of any child’s education, so all Year 6 pupils at Minerva Primary Academy had a visit from their local PCSOs to talk about safety online and in their local area of Hillfields.

The children used their Meerkat Learning Power to ask questions, demonstrating their active curiosity and the importance of taking ownership of their own learning in readiness for secondary school.

Pupils were encouraged to show their parents the websites they frequently visit and use. Using their oracy skills, children explained how the websites work, in particular the safety features and privacy settings, making sure these are set appropriately for the age of the user. They were also taught how to protect their online identity and not to give out any personal information.

Jennifer Harvey, Principal of Minerva Primary Academy, said: “At Team MPA we really value how safe access to the internet can enrich and support learning in and out of school. We recognise the importance of teaching online safety through our curriculum for everyday life, for future learning and careers. Therefore, the link with our PCSOs supported this message from trusted adults in the community.”

This is how the Fishponds Voice reported it.


CLF Snowdon Village First Trauma Informed School in Bristol

The Cabot Learning Federation is extremely proud to announce that Snowdon Village, after a rigorous two-day assessment, has become the first Trauma Informed School’s (TIS) group of schools in Bristol.

Snowdon Village is the term used to describe the family of alternative provision schools that sits within the Cabot Learning Federation. The four schools are The Nest, Engage, Bristol Futures Academy and City School.

Each school within Snowdon Village provides education to students (ages 4 – 16) who have been excluded from mainstream schools or who have specific learning needs which mean they find it difficult to cope in a mainstream setting.

A trauma informed school (TIS) is recognising as using appropriately trained staff to deliver a number of interventions that are able to support children and teenagers who suffer with trauma or mental health problems and whose troubled behaviour acts as a barrier to learning.

Assessors from TIS said they were ‘highly impressed by the standard of practise [at Snowdon Village] and thoroughly enjoyed the visit’, adding: “The school is led by a dedicated and trauma-aware Principal who, with the support of the Academy Council, ensures both the pupils’ and staff’s mental health needs are supported and given priority.”

When children have suffered several painful life experiences and are not provided with the support they need at the time, there is a very high probability they will later suffer severe mental and/or physical ill-health. Providing relationships for these children that heals minds, brains and bodies is just one of the ways in which Snowdon Village works with their students.

Angela Hart, Centre Manager at Snowdon Village and lead for the TIS project, said: “I am extremely proud to have led this piece of work alongside my amazing team. Seeing the positive outcomes for our students and families, knowing we have affected lives, as a direct result of our specialism, is a privilege.”

Alex Davies, Principal of Snowdon Village, said: “This is a huge achievement and I would like to congratulate Angela for leading on this piece of work. Angela has worked tirelessly on this, not just over the past two years but over her lifetime at Snowdon Village and I hope she feels as proud as we do of her. I know Angela would be the first person to say that awards like this are not given to one person. It takes a village to raise a child and everyone has played a part in achieving this so I would like to thank all of my staff for the work they do and the part they play in ensuring our children are safe and happy.”

Read our Full Strategic Plan

Contact Us

CEO: Mr Steve Taylor
Federation House
King's Oak Academy
Brook Road, Bristol
BS15 4JT
Contact Us
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590